Elijah's Battles with Baal (Jezebel)

Question: Can you tell me about the events that occurred when Elijah challenged the prophets on Mount Carmel in the Bible?



Question: What are the prophecies about Haifa and Mount Carmel in the Bible?

Google: What is the significance of Mt Carmel in the Bible?

As a “high place”, it was long a centre of idol worship, and its outstanding reference in the Bible is as the scene of Elijah's confrontation with the false prophets of Baal (I Kings 18).  Mt. Carmel was also sacred to the early Christians; individual hermits settled there as early as the 6th century ad.

What happened at Mount Carmel in Israel?

Elijah didn't have to put on a big show to get God's attention.  God was there all along.  At Mount Carmel, he burned up the offering even though it was soaking wet.  And when the people turned back to him, he sent rain to the land to show that he still loved them.

Who was the prophet who proved on Mount Carmel that Yahweh is greater than Baal?

In 1Kings 18, Elijah defended the worship of the Hebrew God over that of the Canaanite deity Baal.

What was the contest on Mount Carmel between Elijah and the prophets of Baal give an account?

Ahab then accused Elijah of being the cause of the drought in Israel.  Elijah also blamed Ahab for allowing the worship of Baal in Israel which made people forsake God.  Elijah, therefore, requested for the contest on Mount Carmel to determine who was supreme in Israel, Yahweh or Baal?

What does the story of Elijah teach us?

The story of Elijah can be a comfort and an encouragement to us.  Being a strong person of God does not mean that we will never feel discouraged, but rather, it means looking to God when faced with adversity.  Elijah felt alone, and didn't understand God's plan, but he still searched God out.

Question: When will Elijah the Prophet return?

Enoch and Elijah.

These two men have a special place in the Scripture record given to us by the Holy Spirit of God (The Author of the Bible, 2Peter 1:20-21).

Their uniqueness is in the fact that both were taken by God to Himself when they still lived!

These actions by God with these two men is different to His general dealings with men, and His statement in Heb. 9:27; NKJV: 'And it is appointed for men to die once, but after this the judgement'.

As an aside, the next verse is very precious to true Christians (Christ-ones).  Christendom generally is not aware of this future event, and it is not taught from most pulpits; v.28; NKJV: 'so Christ was offered once to bear the sins of many.  To those who eagerly wait for Him He will appear a second time, apart from sin, for Salvation'.





Question: Elijah said as my word no rain for three years and six months and so it was so.  What made Elijah say so?

Google: The first appearance of Elijah we read of is in the 17th Chapter of 1st Kings, when he came before the king and said, 'As the Lord God of Israel liveth, before whom I stand, there shall not be dew nor rain these years, but according to my word'.

Comment: The story of Elijah can be a comfort and an encouragement to us.  Being a strong person of God does not mean that we will never feel discouraged, but rather, it means looking to God when faced with adversity.  Elijah felt alone, and didn't understand God's plan, but he still searched God out.

Elijah was as human as we are, and yet when he prayed earnestly that no rain would fall, none fell for three and a half years!  Then, when he prayed again, the sky sent down rain and the Earth began to yield its crops.

Elijah was an exceptional man, with great trust in God. In 1Kings 17:8–16 we see that faith in prayer action, which produced food for survival for himself and the “widow and her son”.

In vs.17–24, Elijah in prayer and action revives the widow’s son from death!

In prophecy, we know that Elijah has a function for Almighty God in the last days of this Age, Malachi 4:5!



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